“Nitsch and his Double” is a two-part reflection on the current relevance of the Theater of Orgies and Mysteries, the Gesamtkunstwerk by the Viennese Actionist Hermann Nitsch. The event is conceived and curated by Gio Montez and produced by Atelier Montez in collaboration with the Austrian Culture Forum Rome and the Nitsch Foundation of Vienna.
two reflections about viennese actionism
There will be an exhibition of “Scribble Drawings” and an organ concert in situation performed live by Hermann Nitsch in the Thaumatrope, the scenographic conformation that Atelier Montez will assume specifically for the event; the thaumatrope is constructed using the modular anamorphic installation NONETERNIT – shape#1 – “TAUMATROPIO” created by Gio Montez.
Scribble Drawings[kritzelzeichnungen]09/10/19
venue: ÖKF-Rome
Direktorin Elke Atzler
Frau Rita Nitsch
Expertin Judith Weissenböck
Curator Gio Montez
during the symposium the artist Giuseppe Zevola has spontaneously offered a tribute performance in honour of Hermann Nitsch.
Based on the original work, the publication appears on the occasion of the artist’s 80th birthday. With 495 color illustrations based on drawings from 2015 and text contributions by Herman Nitsch.
Herausgeber: Rita Nitsch und Nitsch Foundation
Erschienen im Verlag Verein zur Förderung des Orgien Mysterien Theaters, Prinzendorf.
ISBN 978-3-200-05801-9
scribbles as a pre-verbal intention of communication
„die urform des schöpferischen, nicht nur in künstlerischer hinsicht, ereignet sich. der kosmisch schöpferische akt, die verwirklichung dessen, das lebendig ist, wird vollzogen. jener impuls, der sonnen gebären und milchstraßen entstehen lässt, kosmen aufwuchtet und im sinn der ewigen wiederkehr wieder verschwinden lässt, vollzieht sich. mein kritzeln versucht tief ins sein einzudringen, in die grundlosigkeit (ohne beginn und ende), in den grundexzess. ein totaler, weitgehender automatismus wird angewendet. über die gestik seismographiert sich die triebsituation des unbewussten.
(Hermann Nitsch)
Vernissage: Nitsch and his Double
Venue: Atelier Montez
7 pm
enter the thaumatrope
wine of honor
7:30 pm
the thaumatrope powers up
live concert by Hermann Nitsch
Videoscreening: Action nr. 155, Six-days-play, …
duration: ca. 1 hour
The collateral exhibition focuses on a series of informal drawings “Kritzelzeichnung” exhibited in relation to the big-size screenings of the actions and the music composed by Hermann Nitsch.
The organ altar is placed at the point of maximum dramatic-musical intensity and the counter-altar is placed at the point of lesser intensity; even though the scene can be crossed by the public, both altars will remain raised above ground level, creating an experiential path below and a scene to contemplate above, thus resembling the arrangement of the ancient bacchanalia and the earliest forms of profane theater. “Thaumatropio” is the proper name of this scenographic conformation thus intentionally recalling both the prehistory of theater and the prehistory of cinema.
(Gio Montez)
visit the exhibition
The exhibition “Kritzelzeichnungen” and the screening of the Hermann Nitsch’s Actions will be visible from 11/10/19 until 31/10/19. October 2019, every day except Mondays, from 18:00 to 22:00 or by appointment.
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