Art review: Sinestetica Montez 2024

Atelier Montez organises a contemporary art review scheduling meetings every two weeks throughout the year 2024.

These happenings are collective experiments in relational aesthetics entirely designed by the artists to penetrate more deeply into the understanding of aesthetics and contemporary art, in order to generate a stronger and more complex visual experience, so to speak an “augmented experience”. The main artistic objective of the exhibition is to increase engagement and the sense of belonging to the art community, stimulating proactive and cognitive-morphological critical reflection in the user through simultaneous mediated and immediate participation in the artistic phenomenon.

The artistic director of the exhibition is Gio Montez and the curator is Marcella Magaletti.


a concept by artist Marco Crispano

Friday 31.05.2024

6.00 p.m. – Welcome
7.00 p.m. – Cocktail
7.30 p.m. –  Vernissage
Welcome by Gio Montez
Critical Introduction by Marcella Magaletti
8.00 p.m. – Aperitif
Menu “Il Volo dell’Albratros”
-Isola di humus di ceci con alberello di rosmarino in mezzo a un mare di yogurt blu
-Risotto al radicchio con crema di gorgonzola ed emulsione di zucchine
-Nido di pane con uovo al tegamino
-Lingotto di cioccolato al latte con medaglione di banana e spolverata di cacao
-Drink: Negroni al Caffè

Siamo di fronte ad una visione che potremmo definire satellitare, più vicina all’idea alla base dell’aeropittura futurista che proponeva non solo prospettive vorticose, ma anche volutamente distorte ed esacerbate, rispetto alla meno emotiva prospettiva a volo di uccello che nel Rinascimento soddisfa un’evidente necessità  documentaristica.


The exhibition can be visited from 1.6.2024 to 14.6.2024,from Monday to Friday, from 3.00pm to 8.00pm or by appointment 



Photography by Andrea Gatopoulos


Photography by Andrea Gatopoulos